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FAQs for Libraries
Written by Sam Jockel
Updated over a week ago

What is ParentTV for Libraries?

ParentTV for Libraries is a video streaming platform personalising parenting advice from the world’s leading, research-based parenting experts, made available directly to parents and carers via public library membership.

Libraries can subscribe to content packages that have been specifically curated just for libraries.

How can ParentTV be made available for library members?

Libraries are invited to purchase subscription packages that will provide access to ParentTV content to their members, via the library’s own platform or portal.

How much does it cost for a library to subscribe to ParentTV?

Pricing (for 12-month subscriptions) is based on the population serviced by your library or library network.

Do library members need a login to access ParentTV content?

ParentTV content is facilitated for members via the library’s own digital platform which means that library members don’t need a ParentTV login. Members can access the ParentTV content by logging into their library using their membership details.

When a library location signs up to ParentTV, what happens next?

Once a subscription agreement has been finalised, an API license key will be granted. The license key will allow all content, including the video stream, tags, thumbnail, title, description and other related material to be pulled directly into your own platform and includes an easy to embed, ParentTV video player. The ParentTV API is well documented and implementation typically requires limited development work. (Avg. 2-3 hours.)

What resources are available to libraries to help spread the word about ParentTV to members?

Content including social media tiles, eDM and newsletter copy will be supplied weekly to libraries who subscribe, to encourage engagement and usage of ParentTV by library members.

Each library also receives a welcome kit including artwork files (DIY printing), for materials such as bookmarks and shelf-talkers featuring QR codes with direct access to ParentTV content within your library’s platform.

Who can I contact about signing up?

ParentTV has partnered with James Bennett to assist libraries with the subscription and onboarding process for ParentTV access.

Subscription enquiries should be directed to or call +61 2 8988 5000

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